Review: A Lady’s Guide to Fortune Hunting by Sophie Irwin

A lighthearted, witty regency romance that has a refreshing view on how a fortune hunter can get by in the ton.

Book Synopsis

Book Details

Pages: 341

Genre: Regency Romance

Publisher: HarperCollins UK

Format: Hardback

The season is about to begin – and there’s not a minute to lose…

Kitty Talbot needs a fortune. Or rather, she needs a husband who has a fortune. This is 1818 after all, and only men have the privilege of seeking their own riches.

With only twelve weeks until the bailiffs call, launching herself into London society is the only avenue open to her, and Kitty must use every ounce of cunning and ingenuity she possesses to climb the ranks.

The only one to see through her plans is the worldly Lord Radcliffe and he is determined to thwart her at any cost, especially when it comes to his own brother falling for her charms.

Can Kitty secure a fortune and save her sisters from poverty? There is not a day to lose and no one – not even a lord – will stand in her way…

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* Non-Spoiler Review*

A well crafted regency romance always puts a pep in my step. I confess I did buy this book solely on the cover and as well as the sprayed edges.

The story follow Kitty Talbot and her quest to find a rich husband, so that she can save her family from destitution. With not title or connections to high society, Kitty’s task is not an easy one – but with her determination she manages to get her foot in the door with the Radcliffe family.

While this storyline isn’t original, I found the detail to the world building impressive and particular. I could tell Irwin was thorough in her research about the environment and society at the time, which helped immerse me in the world quickly.

Our MC Kitty is pragmatic with a dry wit that was appealing, and Lord Radcliffe – to my relief wasn’t a rake or a stick in the mud. But a balance of someone who had been through an ordeal and was trying to find some normality again.

Overall, I won’t go into any more details as this is a non spoiler review. I enjoyed this story thoroughly, did I wish it had a little more romance? yes. But was there enough to keep me sedated? yes.

I would recommend to anyone who wants a well rounded regency romance. However, I don’t think this is a series, but rather a stand alone story as the next book doesn’t seem to be connected to the first one.

Spice Rating: 1/6 – See my rating system here

Book Rating: 4/5

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