Holiday Book Haul 2024

Hello my lovelies,

I am finally taking my first holiday for 2024! I am very fortunate to take consistent holidays every year, usually I take two 4-5 day holidays and then one 10 day holiday as well. But somewhere along the line my last holiday wasn’t since last September… my Christmas/New Year period was too quick for me to consider it a proper holiday.

Now after that conscious stream of thought, I am now finally taking my long holiday for the year – which means, I can take a few books with me on my trip!

So I took a browse of my bookcase and decided to pick one book from my past TBR this year and two from my self destruct pile. I didn’t end up writing a post about what is in this pile, so when the year is up I may try to tell what books I picked haha.

But I digress, below are the three books I planned to take on holiday with me.

  • Good Omens – I am almost close to the halfway mark with this book, I started reading it alongside my TBR this Spring. But since then I have stopped picking it up. Hopefully, with some time on my hands I will be able to get this one done!
  • The Once and Future Witches – brought it during the hype and for some reason became intimidated to read it. Don’t ask me why, as I won’t be able to get you a decent reason. Therefore, I have ripping off the band aid and giving this book a shot!
  • Blood & Honey – I started this book years back, yet, something about the story never grabbed me or I lost interest in the characters. So now I am going to use this holiday to see if I can get back into it, if not, maybe I just need to DNF it.

Viewing all of these books, it’s not a selection that gives off holiday in the sun vibes – but does it need to? No. I am progressing with the book on my bookcase and that is the main thing! I am desperate to buy new books, but my book ban is stopping me currently. More read books, means more space to buy new ones when the ban lifts…right?!

What do you think of my book choice? Have you read these books? Do you have a holiday book haul?

Till next time.

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