Boundary Crossed by Melissa F. Olson

An urban fantasy that puts a refreshing spin on a strong female lead, along with a modern spin on the occult and supernatural.

Book Synopsis

Book Details

Pages: 302

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Publisher: 47north

Format: Paperback

After her twin sister’s brutal death, former US Army Sergeant Allison “Lex” Luther vowed to protect her niece, Charlie, from every possible danger. Then when two vampires attempted to kidnap the child, it quickly turned into a fight to the death–Lex’s death, that is.

Lex wakes up to two shocking discoveries: she has somehow survived the fight; and baby Charlie is a “null,” gifted with the ability to weaken supernatural forces…and a target for evil creatures who want to control that power. Determined to guarantee a safe future for Charlie, Lex makes a deal with the local coven. She sets out with the dashing–and undead–Detective Quinn to track down who’s responsible for the kidnapping, sharpening her magic skills along the way. But the closer she gets to the truth, the more dangerous her powers become, threatening to destroy everything–including herself.

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* Non-Spoiler Review*

I confess I forgot that I hadn’t finished writing this review!?! I finished this book back in mid July and life just got in the way (typical), so now, here I am writing this review – so forgive me if there is some vagueness.

Firstly, Lex is a bad ass, signed up to the army to fight the good fight only to find when she came back during one tour that her twin sister had gone missing presuming dead – well being declared dead. Following that discovery, Lex experienced a bad tour (to be expected) and was dismissed on compassionate leave.

Healing her wound (both physically and mentally), Lex comes back to her hometown to be close to her niece Charlie. After months of slowly getting used to civilian life, one night on her evening shift at the convenience store two strange looking people walk in carrying her niece in a baby carrier.

It’s safe to say that all hell breaks loose.

Lex safely gets Charlie away from these strange people (who not only have super strength, but seem to like the taste of blood), she starts to discover that there is more than meets the eye – especially when a handsome detective by the name of Quinn tries to make her forget the whole incident by telling her to…

Boundary Crossed to me was a refreshing modern urban fantasy, there was just the right amount of balance between dystopian supernatural world and reality.

I really liked the two MCs, there was a natural build in chemistry which didn’t distort from the story line. The supporting characters are well rounded, some liked and some definitely not so liked. The underlying plot was a little predictable, but not off-putting and Olson has set up the long term arch quite nicely.

Overall, it’s a good taster for anyone who wants to get into Urban Fantasy and I am already onto the second book!

Spice Rating: 1/6 – See my rating system here

Book Rating: 4/5

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