Book Log: Spring 2024 Wrap Up

Hello my lovelies,

Goodbye Spring, I can’t say here in the UK that it has been memorable. Probably the wettest Spring to date I believe, but hey ho, when you live in the UK the weather is also a hot topic.

My reading pace fluctuated during the season, the best way I can describe is I batch read. Two books in a quick span, and then one book at a slow pace. The first half of the season I fell into Fantasy Romance and then the last half I reverted back to the safety of Regency Romance.

I am becoming more determined to get through my physical TBR. From the books I have read this month, 4 out of the 6 are from my physical TBR. So I am happy with that, the top shelf of my bookcase now only has books that I have read! I feel like that is progress.

But enough about that, let’s dive into my wrap for Spring 2024.


Fourth Wing was worth the hype. Jeez, I cannot tell you how refreshing I found this story to be. I devoured this book in one day and was content in doing so. Is the writing mind-blowing – no. But the story and the characters are what got me, hook, line and sinker.

Iron Flame – the sequel to Fourth Wing and controversially I preferred it more than Iron Flame.

Some Desperate Glory – an interesting concept and my first science fiction of the year. Earth has been destroyed and a human colony is now living on war shipped. I found the storyline to be a little erratic at times and sadly the ending did feel a little rushed.

The Highlanders Demand & Scandals Promise – I didn’t write individual reviews as they are your standard regency romance. An easy and enjoyable read for both, nothing new, but a good comfort read.

A Lady’s Guide to Fortune Hunting – Unlike the previous two regency romances, the world building was impressive and detailed. I like that the MC was pragmatic and likeable, someone I would root for.


I have read a lot of Scarlett St. Clair in the past, but for the life of me I could not get into this book. The Sequel to King of Battle and Blood, I thought this would be a quick shoe-in read. Sadly, this was not the case as I found the whole story completely boring…

At 140 pages I called it quits. Weirdly it felt good to DNF the book rather than trying to finish it.

Overall, I read two books from my Spring TBR and DNFed 1. 50% is not bad at all! I would have liked to have read two books that were from my exploding TBR but I didn’t touch them I’m afraid. Maybe summer might be better?

That’s it! What do you think? How did you go in the end – manage to read more than expected??

Till next time.

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